Sunday, December 12, 2010

c#: Outlook plug-in

Many people prefers to work directly from their email program. Even though you may have a cool website, the convenience of working directly from your email program in response to an email is one of the best way to boost the productivity of people. This is an outlook plug-in designed to full fill the needs of an offline system with ease and convenience of working directly from Outlook.

If you have a web service and a mailbox processor, writing an Outlook plug-in is very easy and rewarding. You can easily add offline capability for many tasks without needing any special software on users computer. If you are connected to a back-end system, this plug-in forwards all calls to the back end system. If you are offline, this plug-in formats the message in a specific way and then emails to a mailbox which will process and update the back end system.

Based on the currently selected item in outlook, this plug-in enables or disables appropriate buttons. For eg, if you select an existing ticket email, then CreateTicket button is disabled.

It may be necessary to add toolbars to the Outlook menu bar and/or to the Message Item window. By adding to the menu bar, you can respond to many emails at once without opening one at a time.

Programming Logic:
- Create new buttons and attach event handlers to each for them.
- OnButtonClick event, check the sender and take appropriate actions
- When the selected email changes, check and enable/disable buttons
- If online, use the back-end system directly.
- If offline, compose new email with commands and send to a monitored mailbox
- Create Windows Forms for Configuration and additional data

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