Couple of years back, I saw a picture of a similar swing in a movie. At first I was not sure I can complete this project. It took almost 4 months, mostly weekends to complete the project. Since I didn't have any measurements or never saw a similar swing in real, it took a lot of trial and error, cutting and re-cutting and a lot of sanding to make this one. Needless to say, I made a lot of Saw Dusts :)
I am a big fan of The New Yankee show and Norm Abram. After watching the show for almost 5 years, I decided it is time for making some saw dusts. I took inspirations from one of Norm's famous projects Highboy and the original movie frame to build this swing.
This is my second wood working project and first time ever using many of the power tools. Backboard is cut with a jig saw. Most of the joints are Mortise and Tenon with minimal mechanical fasteners.
The root on the round table is another project that I did earlier. During my house's construction, I saw an old oak tree root in my property. After peeling off the skin, trimming, filling, sanding, polishing and staining, it turned out to be a good showpiece. It took almost a month mostly weekends to finish the project
Hope you like this as much we do!